Print & Artwork Uploader

Upload Your Artwork
Simply take a clear photograph of your prints or handwriting and follow the steps to upload your images. Make sure to have your order number ready, which you can find in your order confirmation email.
Can I upload multiple prints?
Absolutely! Our uploader allows you to select the number of images you'd like to send, and they'll be sent through with your details so our design team can easily match them to your order.
How will you know whose print is whose?
When submitting your prints, you will be asked for the name and age of the person or pet to whom the prints belong. This information is sent directly to our design team so that we can make sure your order is created perfectly.
How will I know which print is being used to create my order?
If you have a specific print you wish to be used on your order, please mark the print by circling it or popping a star or arrow next to it so that our design team knows which one to work with. Otherwise, your designer will proceed with your order using the print they believe will give the best result on the jewellery.
If, when your prints are received, our designers feel the prints may not provide a good result, a member of the team will contact you via email to discuss the options available.
Will you let me know when my prints have been received?
After submitting your images, our design team will contact you via email to confirm the suitability of the print/artwork and confirm your estimated dispatch date - this is usually within 2 working days of upload.
Will my prints be cleaned up or edited?
Prints or artwork are not altered in any way, as this would take away from the unique idea of using loved ones' prints and the prints will appear on the jewellery as they are in the images supplied. However, our designers will remove any unwanted marks or smudges from around the artwork or prints.