Useful Information & Resources
Ideas for Engraving
A personalised piece of jewellery is a beautiful gift for someone special. However, we understand that deciding exactly how to personalise something can feel like a lot of pressure! Personalisation...
Caring for your Hand on Heart Jewellery
A piece of jewellery is something that’s very special, especially if it’s been created with a meaningful memory in mind or has sentimental value. Of course, you want to keep...
Taking baby handprints using Inkless Printing Kits
We get many requests on how to take the prints of new borns so when our friends Charlotte and Chris were due to have their baby at the end of June we asked if their new born Ruben would be happy to be a Hand on Heart model...
Creating handprints and using existing prints
Many Hand on Heart Jewellery creations require the handprint, footprint, or paw print of your loved one to create a unique and personal piece of Jewellery. When you place your...